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CL-EP-001: Mentor - Panoramic intelligent perception and autonomous driving training system bench-3D car model type

Category:CL-EP-001: Panoramic perception car

CL-EP-001: Mentor - Panoramic intelligent perception and autonomous driving training system bench-3D car model typeI.Training Bench OverviewThe Intelligent Sensor Assembly and Debugging Training Bench···


CL-EP-001: Mentor - Panoramic intelligent perception and autonomous driving training system bench-3D car model type

I. Training Bench Overview

The Intelligent Sensor Assembly and Debugging Training Bench is designed to provide comprehensive support for theoretical education, skills training, and capability assessment. Integrating millimeter-wave radar, Ultrasonic Sensor, LiDAR, cameras, and a combined navigation system, it aims to offer a practical platform. Through the integrated application of these advanced technologies, it achieves educational objectives such as explaining the principles of intelligent sensing technology, presenting architecture, installing components, troubleshooting functional faults, and conducting data analysis and performance evaluation. The bench is equipped with a full set of sensor equipment, professional software, and necessary auxiliary modules to cover a wide range of needs from basic teaching to advanced application research.

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